Thursday, December 9, 2010
CaneLo V.s CaMeCHis
after seeing the boxing fight between El Canelo Alvarez and brain camechis. I was astonish by the way canelo alvarez won the fight. even though it wasnt a knockout win, it was still a very interesting fight because both fighters gave it alot of heart. the reason is becouse even though canelo would punch camechis in a very brutal way, Camechis just wouldnt give up. at oe point in the fight i thought that camechis wasnt human.. lol. the reason is becouse i was very shocking to see a guy getting punch really badly yet not showing much effects toward .

*~HuMm ShoUld It Be~*

*~Analizing tHe Leaf~*
yesterday after school i decide to analize one of the leafs in the rose bush we have in my front yard. After analizing it I found out the rose leafs are really amazing because they have figures and shapes that i would never suspect they would have. one of there rear shapes they have are fine shaped triangles on every side of the leaf. When i saw this i was amazed by it becouse i never figures nature had the capable of creating some thing with a very high quality.

Thursday, October 28, 2010
!~A VeRy InTeReStInG IdEa~!
Today it was an interesting day because i discovered that many of the things around us have to do a lot with art. I have never thought of it that way before, but today it was something very different because as i was on my way to school, I saw different types of flowers and designs that many architects relate to when building houses and other types of structures. some of the many designs i saw were arches, squares and many other different types of shapes that i have seen in houses around my neighborhood and though out the city. After seeing nature and other resources from a different prospective, I have yet figured out that the world is full of art and that it all depends in the way nature is being seen as.
Monday, October 4, 2010
^~ThE Dr0op OuT FaCtOrY~^
Me and many of my fellow classmates, felt terribly insulted because of how we where put in the spot by fox 11 news calling our school a drop out factory. The first time i hear this comment was on TV. When I hear this comment I was working on my english homework after getting back from the boxing gym. I felt very angry at this comment because even though some student drop out of roosevelt high school, we also have student that have dreams and goals for the future. Overall, I am convinced that in order for us to change the way people think about us, we need to proof our selfs and show our rider pride by doing good in test and getting good GPAs, other wise we are still going to be consider as a drop out factory school which of course no student at roosevelt high school would like to be refer as.
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
*~Hello0o WoRlD~*
Hey, my name is Jesse and my blog mainly reflects the enjoyment I have for music, art and boxing. I have been boxing for some time now and I really enjoy it and specially while hearing music.I like art because i find it a way to get away from things and let my feeling flow out of my body. So if your interested in my topics, i welcome you to check out my blog and have a great time comparing our thouights and ways of thinking.
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